
“A deep sense of love and belonging is an irreducible need of all people. We are biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually wired to love, to be loved, and to belong. When those needs are not met, we don't function as we were meant to. We break. We fall apart. We numb. We ache. We hurt others. We get sick.”

Brene Brown

There are two main questions I have wrestled with throughout my life: who am I and where do I belong? If I had to guess, you have probably asked one or both of those questions at some point in your life, too. I spent years fixating on these questions, searching for answers in any friend I made or relationship I was a part of. I tried to find out who I was from those in my life, and, as you can guess, that didn’t produce a helpful outcome. Instead of being who I truly am, I conformed to the perceived expectations of those in my close circle of friends. It wasn’t until I graduated from college that I found some semblance of an answer to my questions. I am grateful to say that I found my answers through being a part of Interyear Fellowship.

Interyear Fellowship gave me the space and autonomy to finally discover who I am and live into that identity. It has given me the community my heart had been searching for - a place to belong. It gave me a safe home and safe friends. It gave me safe people to be here for me through the hard times and the good times. Believe me, there have been some incredibly hard times and incredibly consistent and kind people. 

I pray you find a community like this for you - a safe place with safe people where you can finally rest and discern who you are and what you really are. A safe community you belong to and can be honest within. You need a real community - a home where you belong to so you can understand who you are. We can’t become who we are without belonging. Humans were made for community - God created us in and for community. We are formed by a family and found in the Father.   

When I wonder about who I am and where I belong now, I have an answer. I know I am a part of a beloved community. I belong to a community of people who are dedicated to truth, faith, love, and hope. While Interyear is a continuously transitioning community, the values and foundation of Interyear remain the same. I found a safe home and a safe place during my time as a Fellow, and these following years after as I am continuing to be a part of this community.

And my favorite part about this community is that it is open to anyone. Our community is a safe space for anyone who is willing to participate, dive in, and lean in with intentionality, patience, and love. Every May and August, we welcome in new Fellows for a season of life. Our application is still open for the 2024-2025 Fellowship year and we would love to have you or someone you know be a part of our little community. 

Aubren Flanary