Hard Work

I did the hard work once again, hoping that it would pay off. In many ways, it did. I didn’t figure out every path for my future, but I did gain a better sense of who I am and how I am meant to exist in the world.

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Olivia Brokaw
A Spark

I think of hope like a spark — like a nudge that reminds you that things aren’t as they should be, that there’s still a potential for more.

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Aubren Flanary
Paying Attention

Since immersing myself in “Gilmore Girls,” I notice more. While taking walks, I see a house that reminds me of the Gilmores’, or I notice how these early, moody fall days remind me of Stars Hollow. I am grateful for these days and this time and these moments.

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Olivia Brokaw

I found a renewed sense of purpose and grace within me that was brought forward through the act of writing. Hope can sneak its way out of our hearts and into the written word in new ways when we are disciplined to put ink on paper. 

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Aubren Flanary

Each time I return to this safe place, I am reminded of who God is and who I am – my hope and vision for the future is restored, and I am met once again by the everpresent love and grace of God.

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Aubren Flanary
Good Enough

The good news about every personality type, though, is that while we each exhibit undesirable characteristics when we’re under stress, we also have many positive characteristics when we are self-aware and growing. As a 1, I’m conscientious and caring and ethical. I work hard to do my best and make the world around me a better place.

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Olivia Brokaw
Coffee Community

If something as simple as a good cup of coffee can deeply impact and enrich our everyday lives, what else can? What other good, simple things are within our grasp to deepen our love of the life around us?

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Aubren Flanary