Stop. Listen. Learn.
We hope that you’ll find some helpful information below. There is so much that has been shared recently on social media, but it’s hard to keep track and remember all the good stuff that’s been offered. We’d love to make this a permanent list for you to come back to as a helpful resource for years to come, so take a look at the suggestions below and feel free to offer your own additions. You can leave those suggestions in the comments here or send us an email at and we’ll add it to the list. Let’s commit to continue listening and learning together! A special thanks to Ellie Mullins for pulling most of this list together.
This is a short list of books that deal with race in a variety of ways over a great span of time. They vary in topic, approach, opinion, focus, and written by people of color (with a couple of exceptions). The links below will take you to the author’s or publisher’s page because many of them include additional resources that can help aid the reader and provide some excellent guidance for reflection and discussion.
Michelle Alexander- The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
David A. Anderson- Gracism: The Art of Inclusion
Austin Channing Brown- I’m Still Here: Black dignity in a world made for whiteness
Ta-Nehisi Coates- Between the World and Me
James Cone - The Cross and the Lynching Tree
Robin DiAngelo- White Fragility: Why it’s so hard for white people to talk about racism
W.E.B. Du Bois- The Souls of Black Folk
Michael Eric Dyson - Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America
Drew G.I. Hart - Trouble I’ve Seen: Changing the Way the Church Views Racism
Daniel Hill- White Awake: An honest look at what it means to be white
Willie James Jennings - The Christian Imagination: Theology and the Origins of Race
Ibram X. Kendi- Stamped from the Beginning, How to be an Antiracist
Eric Mason - Woke Church: An Urgent Call for Christians in America to Confront Racism and Injustice
Latasha Morrison- Be the Bridge
John Perkins - Let Justice Roll Down
Angie Thomas- The Hate U Give
Beverly Daniel Tatum- Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?
Howard Thurman - Meditations of the Heart, Jesus and the Disinherited
Jemar Tisby- The Color of Compromise: The Truth About the American Church’s Complicity in Racism
Benjamin Watson- Under Our Skin
Jesmyn Ward- Men We Reaped, The Fire This Time
This list of films, documentaries, and series employs some powerful footage and storytelling to help illuminate the complexity and history of race in America throughout its history. Many of these may be difficult to watch and have explicit scenes, so pay attention to the ratings, do some research, and watch at your own discretion. Others are inspiring will make you want to rise up and act. Most of these are available to stream through various platforms, but the links will take you to their Internet Movie Database (IMDb) listing to provide you with some context and a synopsis.
A Time to Kill
Dear White People
Fruitvale Station
The Hate U Give
Hidden Figures
I Am Not Your Negro
Incarceration Nation
Just Mercy
Queen and Slim
Same Kind of Different as Me
When They See Us
Below is a compilation of people, organizations, and movements to follow on Instagram. This will provide you with a wealth of realtime information. You’ll find activists, artists, authors, and others who will provide you with insight on current events, suggestions on what to read, watch, or listen to, and some advice and encouragement on how to act.
@austinchanning - Austin Channing Brown - Writer. Speaker. Racial Justice. Faith. Black Womanhood. Author of I’m Still Here: Black dignity in a world made for whiteness.
@beabridgebuilder - Be The Bridge - We are a racial literacy organization based in Atlanta, GA. We have developed guides + training on racial healing, equity, and reconciliation.@beleafmel - Beleaf In Fatherhood - Racism is TRASH.
@blackcoffeewithwhitefriends - Black Coffee w/ White Friends - For the curious and the hopeful.
@blklivesmatter - Black Lives Matter - Official IG for the #BlackLivesMatter Global Network. BLM is a call to action & response to anti-Black racism. Join the movement.
@ckyourprivilege - Check Your Privilege - Walking with folx on their journey to dismantle their relationship with systems of privilege.
@docmellymel - Melina Abdullah - Professor, womanist, Pan-Africanist, #BlackLivesMatter organizer, mama, daughter of God.
@jackiehillperry - Jackie Hill Perry - disciple. wife. mommy. writer. teacher. poet. emcee. Author of Gay Girl, Good God
@latashamorrison - Latasha Morrison - Speaker. Author. Reconciler. Bridge-Builder. Trainer. Founder & President of Be The Bridge,
@lisasharper - Lisa Sharon Harper - Founder and President, and Host of the Freedom Road Podcast. Author of several books including Very Good Gospel and Forgive Us
@mspackyetti - Brittany Packnett Cunningham - Activist. Cofounder of Campaign Zero, #8CANTWAIT
@naacp - NAACP - The nation’s first and largest grassroots-based civil rights organization. Over 2,000 volunteer-run branches nationwide.
@ohhappydani - Danielle Coke - Art and words on loving God & neighbor well. Faith • Justice • Optimism
@untilfreedom - Until Freedom - We’re organizers, lawyers, artists, & survivors of injustice. Otgether we build & organize.
@splcenter - Southern Poverty Law Center - Fighting Hate. Teaching Tolerance. Seeking Justice.
@theandrehenry - Writer, speaker, and singer-songwriter contending for the world that ought to be. Weekly insight on social change & antiracism.
@theconsciouskid - The Conscious Kid - Parenting and Education through a Critical Race Lens. Diverse #OwnVoices Books. Black and Brown Owned.
@thekingcenter - The King Center - Official living memorial to #MLK, founded by Coretta Scott King to educate on nonviolent social change & build the #BelovedCommunity.
@wearearrabon - Arrabon - Equipping & empowering church communities in the work of reconciliation. Partnering w/@urbandoxology Richmond, VA