Watching the trees turn from green to orange is a wonder each October. When the cold begins to set in, the trees know it’s time to shed their leaves and conserve their energy for the winter. The chill of the fall brings a quiet warning of the cold that winter brings.
Trees don’t try to force their leaves to remain once their time has passed - they let go, knowing that once the cold has passed their leaves can safely return. The trees know when it’s their time to rest, when it’s their time to grow, when it’s their time to bloom… we can learn a lot from trees. How often do we rush our own growth? Force ourselves to bloom before we’re ready? Too often we strive to meet the expectations of those around us without paying attention to the quiet nudges of our lives.
The slow change of the seasons lets the trees know when to change, but there are signs for us, too, as to when a change needs to come. There are whispered messages we often ignore, messages from our hearts and bodies, asking us to pause and listen: slow down, take a breath, take what you need, take up space, rest, heal, recover. These messages are more than a suggestion - they are an invitation. An invitation to reflection and restoration. Our bodies, hearts, and minds can find beauty and restoration through observing the seasons of life we slowly move through.
When I pay attention to the invitation the seasons bring, I am reminded of the invitation we all have from God in every season of life: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 NIV. As we accept this invitation to allow Jesus into our lives in a meaningful way, we know that we are not alone in our struggles. We have a companion on the way.
As we continue from fall into winter, give yourself permission. Give yourself permission to truly listen to what the seasons and your life are trying to tell you. Let yourself rest - do what you need to rest, reflect, and be restored. Listen to your body, heart, and mind - embrace the rest you need (and deserve). Let the old things fall away to make space for new things to grow.
Here are some questions to reflect on as you continue through this season:
What do you need as the seasons change?
What rest can you find in this season?
How can you honor your body, heart, and mind in this season?
What can you let go of to make space for new things to grow?